Apr 142024

VBS Volunteer Registration

April 14, 2024|

We can’t start the VBS party without volunteers like you!  Volunteers are needed each day of VBS (June 3-6) from 4:30-8:30pm.  Please select your top 3 choices of where you would like to serve. Volunteers require a back ground check which Leanne will send to you if you have not already completed one for the children’s ministry.  Please fill this form out no later than April 28. A volunteer meeting will be held on Sunday, May 5 at 12:45pm. Lunch and childcare will be provided.  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Children's Director, Leanne Howell, at or 706-438-1288. SIGN ME UP! Check out a preview of this years theme!

Apr 22024

Food Drive

April 2, 2024|

The CPC Women’s Ministry is holding a food drive to benefit the Madison-Morgan Community Food Pantry. Nonperishable food items such as boxes of cereal, canned meats, dry beans, canned veggies and fruit, instant potatoes, pasta and canned sauce, soup and peanut butter are great items to donate. Donations may be dropped off in the bins in the lobby through April 28.

Apr 22024

Neighborhood Missions – Donations Needed

April 2, 2024|

The Morgan County Neighborhood Missions Team is running low on appliances that are given to local people in need. This is a wonderful mission that CPC is directly involved with. Items needed most at this time are: TVs Bedding Washers Dryers Stoves Counter microwaves Refrigerators *appliances must be in good working condition as we are not equipped to repair them before distribution* If you have any of these items that you would like to donate, please call Donald Smith at 404-754-4842 or Don Krup at 678-227-4765 to arrange for pick up. Also, if you know of someone who is in need of basic home repairs or furniture/appliances and can not afford them, please let us know that as well.

Mar 252024

Beam Signing Update

March 25, 2024|

Yesterday, our Beam Signing was such a special event!  Excitement filled the building as we took a step back and watched what the Lord is doing here at CPC. So many scriptures now surround the building, supporting this place of worship for generations to come.  A song came to mind while there, "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place" and we hope that you felt it too.  Take a look at some picture and videos of the day!

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