Life Groups
Who: Adult single women
Description: A small group devoted to supporting and nurturing each other according to scriptural teachings. We are committed to lifting each other up in love and prayer for healing, renewal, restoration and hope as we seek to align our hearts with the heart of Jesus.
Leaders: Hallie Jane Zimmerman and Susan Bonas
Where: Madison area
When: Two Sundays a month at 11:30am
RSVP: 678-467-4922 (Susan)
Ages: Married with kids elementary/middle school aged
Leaders: Parks & Ashley McIntosh
Where: Rutledge area
When: 1st and 3rd Sundays @ 5:00pm
RSVP: 678-972-6498 (Ashley)
Childcare is provided
Ages: Young marrieds with babies – 5 years old
Leaders: Ryan and Mary Ann Cottle
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Sundays @ 4:00-6:00pm – twice a month, contact for schedule
RSVP: 478-787-5225 (Mary Ann) 706-594-3790 (Ryan)
Childcare is provided
Ages: 40+
Leaders: Johnny and Joanne Frantz, Forest and Karen Pagett
Where: Buckhead area
When: Tuesdays @ 6:30pm
RSVP: 706-340-0432 (Johnny)
Ages: All adults
Leaders: Phillip & Debbie Goldston
Where: Madison area
When: Sundays @ 6:00pm
RSVP: 706-318-0195 (Phillip)
Ages: Families with high school/grown children
Leaders: Nick & Amanda Austin
Where: Buckhead area
When: 2nd and 4th Sundays @ 5:30pm
RSVP: 770-845-7626 (Amanda)
Ages: 6th – 12th grade students
Leaders: Blake & Natalie Stinnett (High), Travis and Becka Smith (High), Kris and Kina Hodges (Middle), Mac and Courtney Brittain (Middle)
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Sundays @ 6:00-8:00pm, dinner provided $5 donation.
RSVP: 678-763-8676 (Blake)
Who: Women who have experienced grief through the loss of a loved one
Contact: Kathy Sweeney
Where: Local restaurants
When: Twice a month for lunch
RSVP: 309-838-9017
Study Groups
Ages: All women
New Study: The Coming Golden Age and
The Great Disappearance by David Jeremiah
Leader: Jean Wood
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Wednesdays at 10am-12pm
January 15 – April 9
RSVP: 404-323-0947 (Jean)
Ages: All men
New Study: Be a Godly Man by Joby Martin
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Mondays @ 6:30pm
January 6 – February 3
Ages: All men
Leader: James Rooks
Where: Farmview Market
When: Fridays at 7:30am
Ages: All women
Leader: Anne Harper
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Mondays from 9:30-11:30am
New Study: The Book of Galatians
January 27 – February 3
RSVP: 252-665-1102 (Anne)
Ages: Adults
Leader: Larry Garner
Where: Covenant Park Church
When: Sundays @ 10:00am