We’re Moving to a New Home! Join us at our new location starting January 12, 2025. Same mission, new space at 1111 Mary Magnan Blvd., Madison, GA 30650.

Service times: 9:00 AM  |  11:00 AM  |  Online: Live at 9:00 AM, on-demand anytime.

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Event Series Event Series: Women’s Community Bible Study

Join us for a fresh start! The Women’s Community Bible Study Group is excited to announce the return of our weekly gatherings. We’ll embark on two new studies this semester beginning on January 15th at 10:00AM. Led by Jean Wood, our meetings will run through April 9th. RSVP to Jean at 404-323-0947 by January 1st to reserve your $10 study book.

31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready

In Dr. Jeremiah’s latest prophecy book, The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to be Rapture Ready, he examines the next event on God’s prophetic timetable, the Rapture.

This is not a book of doom and gloom or a sensational read about setting dates, but one of hope and joy as we see the promise of God’s plan unfold all around us and grasp the power of the prophetic text surrounding the Rapture.

Calling this “prophecy motivation,” these 31 easy-to-read short chapters will inspire you to live boldly and expectantly in today’s world.

You know about the Rapture and the Tribulation, but what comes next?

Examine the Prophetic Event Most Revealed in God’s Word

In his new definitive book, The Coming Golden Age, Dr. David Jeremiah answers many of the common questions about what we can expect life to be like in the Millennium. Questions such as:

  • Who will be alive during the Millennium?
  • Will there be perfect peace during this time?
  • Will people still work, get married, and have children?
  • How can I be sure I am ready for Christ’s reign on earth?

If you belong to Jesus Christ, you’re included in the future He’s designed. And that future holds the promise of a Coming Golden Age that will bring joy and hope!

The Millennium—the Coming Golden Age. It’s the Kingdom to come, the fulfillment of all the promises God made to Israel in the Old Testament. It’s also the bridge of time that will take us to the gateway to the eternal. A time that we will see the new heaven, the new earth, and New Jerusalem.

Embark on a journey of discovery with this insightful new prophecy book. Delve into its pages to better understand what the Bible has to say about your future!


January 22
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Jean Wood


Covenant Park Church
1111 Mary Magnan Blvd
Madison, GA 30650 United States
+ Google Map

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